November 1, 2023
Before Paul became an apostle, embarked on his missionary journeys, and wrote his letters to the early church, his name was Saul, and he was a disciple hunter. It was with arrest warrants in hand that Saul was blinded on his way to Damascus. This serves as a profound testament to God’s power and His […]
October 2, 2023
In the middle of the gospel of Mark, Jesus asks a question that every human must ultimately answer. “Who do you think I really am?” Do our lives reflect our answer to that question? Jesus challenges the disciples, and every Bible reader to the end of time, with the implications of this crucial question. Jesus […]
September 2, 2023
Have you ever felt unqualified? Living with imposter syndrome? If you ever wanted a “fake-it-till-you-make-it” hero of the Bible to relate to, look no further than Moses. Here in Exodus 4, we see Moses trying to back out of God’s commissioning to save his people. Thankfully for Moses and for us, God doesn’t need our […]
August 1, 2023
Living in an orderly utopia sounds lovely (for a time), but we can only ever live in an actual place, inevitably full of messiness. Thankfully, that is where God designed us to be. But are we meant to live in a garden or the wilderness? 1 Heaven and Earth were finished, down to the last detail. […]
July 1, 2023
Christ is the one who gives coherence to all the disconnected pieces of life’s puzzle. In Him everything interlocks. In Him everything finds its purpose. Do you have a vision of the complete picture of Christ? A clear view of the finished puzzle? CHRIST HOLDS IT ALL TOGETHER 15-18 We look at this Son and see […]