God’s Word in the Palm of Your Hand

December 3, 2018

Simple, clean, and uncluttered, these Message-inspired images will encourage and strengthen you throughout your day. In God’s Word, you find the strength and courage needed to live the Christian life. Each of us faces our own personal struggles and needs daily encouragement. We’ve chosen a few Bible verses for you to hold in the palm […]

The End of Death-as-the-End for Eugene Peterson (1932–2018)

October 23, 2018

We know that when Jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death-as-the-end. Never again will death have the last word. —Romans 6:6-11, The Message “I’ve always liked Billy Sunday’s formula for the ideal Christian life,” Eugene Peterson wrote in the opening lines of his book Living the Resurrection. […]

Live As Fully As Possible

September 24, 2018

Exile is traumatic and terrifying. Our sense of who we are is very much determined by the place we’re in and the people we’re with. When those things change violently and abruptly, we wonder who we are. The accustomed ways we have of finding our worth and sensing our significance vanish. When the first wave […]