You’re Blessed

February 8, 2019

In Matthew 5, Jesus is training us to live not in reaction to our sin and guilt, not in response to people stronger than we are, not in desperation by any means at hand, not to survive in a sea of cynicism and malice, and certainly not to live egocentrically with the self as center […]

The Prayer of the Heart

January 31, 2019

Most prayer begins as Hannah’s did, in pain and with tears. But while her prayer was caused by pain, it wasn’t confined to it. It took the form of a vow. By casting her prayer as a vow, Hannah involved herself responsibly, even sacrificially, in her prayer, for she both asked and gave. She asked […]

God’s Word in the Palm of Your Hand

December 3, 2018

Simple, clean, and uncluttered, these Message-inspired images will encourage and strengthen you throughout your day. In God’s Word, you find the strength and courage needed to live the Christian life. Each of us faces our own personal struggles and needs daily encouragement. We’ve chosen a few Bible verses for you to hold in the palm […]