October Reading from The Message

October 2, 2021

In his letter to the Galatians, Paul is emphatic about the free life we can live because of Christ. It is not the cheap freedom that is often celebrated by the world. But a freedom that allows you to serve others without being burdened by the compulsions of selfishness. A freedom that will slowly bear […]

September Reading from The Message

September 16, 2021

Habakkuk has just cried out to God, pouring out his sorrow and indignation at the injustice all around him. He asks “where are you God!?” But then, at the start of chapter 2, Habakkuk stops… and recognizes that the Lord will answer and he needs to be ready for God’s response to his complaints… and […]

August Reading from The Message

August 18, 2021

The story of creation is one of the infinite becoming tangible, the limitless becoming defined. When God placed man in the garden it was not a wilderness. It had boundaries and intention. It was local. The work God is looking to do in us and through us will not be in an ethereal utopia. It […]

July Reading from The Message

July 16, 2021

Here in Matthew 23, Jesus has just outwitted the Sadducees and Pharisees when they tried to rhetorically trap him. He famously says “give Caesar what is his, and give God what is his,” and clarifies the golden rule. Thoroughly stumped, the religious leaders quit asking him questions, then Jesus delivers an epic diatribe on hypocrisy… […]

June Reading from The Message

June 10, 2021

The people of Israel did not head straight to the promised land. After being miraculously brought out of Egypt they were doubting God and squabbling internally within days. In order to get them prepared for true community in the promised land God had some reminders. We pick up the story in Deuteronomy 8… Keep and […]